Our patient’s safety during procedures and treatments is our top priority. We know there are a wide variety of medi-spas for you to choose from, and they are not all created equally, or with the same high standard of safety practices. For this reason, it is important for consumers to be aware of various patient safety tips to use when considering a medi-spa for a treatment, whether that treatment is an invasive procedure, injectables, hair removal, or just a simple facial.
Medi-spas exist in a wide variety of locations from doctor’s offices to beauty salons to malls. Unfortunately, due to the fact that there is no national standard for medi-spas, nor even a specific definition of what can be called a medi-spa, it can be difficult sometimes to spot which facilities are providing safe care.
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) created some questions prospective patients should ask before undergoing any procedure or treatment in a spa or non-traditional facility. Here are a few of the great questions to posted at ASAPS (visit their website for the full list):
Is the Medi-spa located within a physician’s office?
What are the credentials of the physician supervising your treatment in the medi-spa?
Who is performing the injection?
How effective are facial injectables and what is the right product for me?
Is the product FDA approved? Is it approved for this use?
Have I been fully informed of the possible benefits and side effects of the proposed treatment and have I been apprised of possible options?
Have all of my questions been answered and am I are fully aware of the risk and rewards of the procedure?
Have I been shown before and after pictures?
Have you been told who holds financial responsibility for any revisions or if complications arise?
To locate an ASAPS board-certified plastic surgeon in your area click Find-a-Surgeon. Ready to schedule a consultation with our office? Call us today.